Fantasy maps and illustration inspired by The Silmarillion
Gondolin · XII Houses · Defenders
The XII Houses of Gondolin
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Placement of the XII Houses of Gondolin on the map, based on The Fall of Gondolin. Names and some of the descriptions are based on The Silmarillion and other publications.
In my interpretation there is a fortress for every of the twelve houses within the city walls, and the houses serve as military centers (with armories, training rooms, barracks etc.). Fortresses are placed on the outer parts of the city and a few in the center - should citizens need to hide behind walls there is always a hideout in the neighborhood. The placement itself is mostly a guess. The closest to description in The Fall of Gondolin is the House of the Harp, which was placed north of the Lesser Market.
Technical note: statues and more important buildings are larger, otherwise they would get lost in a sea of small houses/shapes. For the same reason usually a single house represents a city block. Digital drawing done in Photoshop, 2017, colored in 2022/2023.
All the book quotations below come from The Fall of Gondolin by J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien ed., HarperCollins Publishers, Kindle Edition, unless stated otherwise.
The Hammer of Wrath
The House of the Hammer of Wrath, led by Rog, the strongest among the Gondolindrim and one of the most valourous.
The Hammer of Wrath got the first place near the Main Gate. These folk were devoted to Aulë the Smith and many of the best smiths and craftsmen lived among them. They fought with great maces or battle hammers and carried heavy shields. Their symbol was the Stricken Anvil, and a hammer striking sparks on it was set on their shields. Red gold and black of iron were their colors.
On a second thought, during the siege of Gondolin they were positioned on the walls close to the Northern gate, so moving their fortress there would work as well.
The Mole
The House of the Mole, led by Maeglin
Meglin's sign was a sable Mole. The folk of the Mole, grim as their lord, were mostly quarrymen and ore delvers. Maeglin himself often travelled to the mine of Anghabar through the Northern gate, which is why I placed the seat of his house in the NW part of the city. They bore no sign or emblem, their color was sable black and such were their shields. They wore round caps of steel covered with mole skin, black, polished armor and fought with axes two-headed like mattocks. Maeglin himself wielded a black, iron-cutting sword Anguirel.
The Tree
The House of the Tree, led by Galdor, one the most valiant among the Gondolindrim
Folk of the Tree wore green colors and fought with slings and iron-studded clubs.
The Swallow
The House of the Swallow, led by Duilin
Both the Swallow and the Heavenly Arch consisted of the best and largest number of the bowmen in the city.
The Heavenly Arch
The House of the Heavenly Arch, led by Egalmoth
The Heavenly Arch was the richest of the houses. Their seat must have been as representative as their armor and clothes which were full of jewels, so I placed it close to the center and king's palace.
The King & the Wing
The House of the King, led by king Turgon & the Wing led by Tuor
I placed The Wing close to the king's castle, since I imagine them being also the king's guard, right after the king's own men.

Tuor of the Wing
"Upon a time the king caused his most cunning artificers to fashion a suit of armour for Tuor as a great gift, and it was made of Gnome-steel overlaid with silver; but his helm was adorned with a device of metals and jewels like two swan-wings, one on either side, and a swan’s wing was wrought on his shield; but he carried an axe rather than a sword, and this in the speech of the Gondothlim he named Dramborleg, for its buffet stunned and its edge clove all armour."
- J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fall of Gondolin.
The Tower of Snow & the Pillar
Both of the houses led by Penlod, one of the tallest among the Gondolindrim.
The Golden Flower
The House of the Golden Flower, led by Glorfindel
Glorfindel of the Golden Flower
"There stood the house of the Golden Flower who bore a rayed sun upon their shield, and their chief Glorfindel bore a mantle so broidered in threads of gold that it was diapered with celandine as a field in spring; and his arms were damascened with cunning gold."
- J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fall of Gondolin.
This description is often being interpreted as if the shield og Glorfindel and of his house was green with a golden flower on it, yet it was his coat - not his shield - looking like a field in spring. A rayed sun works best on a blue field and so I finally recolored the house's device into blue on the map:
The Harp
The House of the Harp, led by Salgant
The folk of the Harp adorned their outfits with tassels of silver and gold, and a harp of silver upon a field of black was their emblem. Salgant himself bore a golden harp on his shield, and as the only one of the Gondolindrim rode on a horse into battle, for he was "heavy and squat".
According to the Fall of Gondolin the House of the Harp was located north of the Lesser Market. I moved it more to the West to fit with the curve of the canal and to create a park island where musicians could perform. With buildings done in a more realistic scale this could be placed closer to the market.

Tuor's house - a private household, not a one of the XII houses - was located close to the fountains and the towers on the southern wall. Idril's secret passage is not shown on the map.
The Fountain
The House of the Fountain, led by Ecthelion
Ecthelion of the Fountain
"Ecthelion, Lord of the Fountains, at that time Warden of the Great Gate. All in silver was he clad, and upon his shining helm was set a spike of steel pointed with a diamond; and as his esquire took his shield it shimmered as if it were bedewed with drops of rain, that were indeed a thousand studs of crystal."
- J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fall of Gondolin.
Ecthelion's fortress got placed close to the Fountains of the South since in the text musicians used to dwell there. Also the fountains fit well with the name of Ecthelion's house, though I interpret the 'fountain' in the name as an origin of a spring not a water spilling construction in a city.
Alternative closeups at Instagram @SirielleArt
Work in progress, t.b.c.
See also:
The Defenders of Gondolin & armor ideas

:: The main city map ::